Hayley Dunlop
Former undergraduate researcher
Current position: Pursuing a MPH at the University of Edinburgh and will be attending medical school at The Ohio State University in Fall 2020.
Research Interests:
My research interests in the lab are centered on evolution education. Broadly, I work on projects exploring the experiences of religious students in undergraduate biology classrooms. I am currently working on a study that explores the different survey tools used to measure acceptance of evolution.
About Me:
I was born and raised in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I studied Biological Sciences with a minor in Global Health. I plan to pursue a career in the medical field after I graduate. I have been working in the biology education research lab and researching ways to help improve student attitudes toward evolution for three years. In addition to biology, I love reading, traveling, biking, and spending time with my friends and family.
Barnes ME, Dunlop H, Holt E, Zheng Y, Brownell SE. Different evolution acceptance instruments lead to different research findings. Evolution Education and Outreach. January 2019.
hmdunlop [at] asu.edu