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Anna Krieg

Former undergraduate researcher

I'm an Arizona native in my Senior year studying biology and political science. Currently, I plan to pursue a career in the field of science education or education public policy. I am very exited to join the biology education research lab to work on projects I am passionate about! In my free time I love to read, hike, and explore new places with my friends and family.


I am working on a project that explores student experience in a high enrollment active learning classroom, specifically when engaging in groupwork.  




Cooper KM, Haney B, Krieg A, Brownell SE.  What's in a name? The importance of students perceiving an instructor knows their names in a high enrollment biology classroom.  CBE Life Sciences Education.  March 2017.


Cooper KM, Krieg A, Brownell SE.  Who perceives they're smarter? Exploring the influence of student characteristics on student academic self-concept in physiology.  Advances in Physiology Education.  April 2018.


anna.krieg [at]

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