Jasmine Truong
Former undergraduate researcher
I was born and raised in the Arizona Valley. I am currently a junior at Arizona State University and am pursing a dual degree in Biology and Society with the School of Life Sciences and Global Politics with the W.P. Carey School of Business. I plan to have a career in education advocacy, specifically that of science education. I am extremely excited to work in this lab and research biology education—a topic I am very passionate about! I also enjoy rock climbing, visiting museums, and traveling with my friends and family.
My research interests in the lab center on evolution education. I am working on a project with my grad mentor Liz Barnes that explores religious student experience in biology classes. I am also conducting a study that explores the impact of a short intervention on student perceptions of a conflict between religion and evolution.
Barnes ME, Truong J, Brownell SE. Experiences of Judeo-Christian Students in Biology. CBE Life Sciences Education. March 2017.
Truong J*, Barnes ME*, Brownell SE. Can six minutes of culturally competent evolution education reduce students' level of perceived conflict between evolution and religion? American Biology Teacher. Februaary 2018.
jmtruong [at] asu.edu