Brian Haney
Former Ph.D. student in Animal Behavior (worked on a project in bio ed)
My dissertation research is on how and why unrelated ant queens form cooperative groups. There are about a dozen ant and termite species that have cooperative queens, but virtually nothing is known about how these associations function or the selection pressures that have led to their evolution. I study the reproductive output of multiqueen colonies to better understand the costs and benefits of cooperation between unrelated individuals.
I am completing a project in the Biology Education Research Lab related to instructor immediacy, specifically the impact of an instructor using names in a high enrollment active learning classroom.
About me: I received a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Environmental Studies from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. After graduation I spent a year teaching English and Science to kids in Beijing, China and did some biological survey jobs in the states for another year before starting graduate school.
Cooper KM, Haney B, Krieg A, Brownell SE. What's in a name? The importance of students perceiving an instructor knows their names in a high enrollment biology classroom. CBE Life Sciences Education. March 2017.
brhaney [at] asu.edu