Evan Brus
Ph.D. student in Biology (worked on a project in bio ed)
Research interests: ecology, epidemiology, STEM education and communication
My research in the Collins Lab primarily focuses on how reservoirs and nonnative species contribute to infectious disease transmission. I study amphibian communities affected by chytridiomycosis in an attempt to better understand and prevent amphibian decline.
I am currently doing a chapter of my dissertation in biology education. I am interested in online undergraduate lab courses.
About me:
I completed Bachelor’s degrees in Zoology, French, and Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison before moving to Phoenix for graduate school. I first became interested in science education when working at a children’s science museum and as an undergraduate researcher studying wasp behavior. When not in lab, I enjoy science outreach, exploring the Phoenix metro area, hiking, and convincing my dog to go on walks.
ebrus [at] asu.edu