Erin Shortlidge
Former postdoctoral scholar
Current position: Assistant Professor in Biology Education Research in the Department of Biology at Portland State University
Research interests: integrating authentic research into lab courses, science communication
About me: I was born in Kansas, where I pursued a career as a professional dancer before returning to school to study science. I received my PhD in Biology from Portland State University where my dissertation focus was on the physiological and ecological factors influencing sexual reproduction in dioicous mosses. I employed and developed cross-disciplinary techniques to test moss-microarthropod mutualism and plant community dynamics in the lab, the classroom, and in the field where my work spanned geothermal hot springs to Antarctic islands. I am looking forward to expanding my professional skills as a postdoctoral researcher in biology education research, and in any spare time, begin to learn the desert's flora and fauna.
Shortlidge EE, Bangera G, Brownell SE. Faculty Perspectives on Developing and Teaching Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences. BioScience. January 2016.
Shortlidge EE, Brownell SE. How to assess your CURE: A practical guide for instructors of course-based undergraduate research experiences. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. December 2016.
Shortlidge EE, Bangera G, Brownell SE. Each to Their Own CURE: Faculty Who Teach Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Report Why You Too Should Teach a CURE. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. May 2017.
eshortl1 [at] asu.edu