Katey Cooper
Former postdoctoral scholar
Former postdoctoral scholar and PhD student
Now Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at University of Central Florida
Click here for her website.
Research interests: I am interested in issues related to equity and access in undergraduate STEM education. Specifically, I am interested in creating more inclusive large-enrollment active learning classrooms and more opportunities for students to participate in undergraduate research.
About me: Originally from Chicago, IL, I have lived in Arizona long enough to call it home. I received my B.S. in Biochemistry and my Ph.D. in Biology, both from ASU. I completed my Ph.D. in the BER lab and am continuing on as a postdoc and program manager of the LEAP scholars program.
Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Coming out in class: Challenges and benefits of active learning in a biology classroom for LGBTQIA students. CBE Life Sciences Education as part of a special issue on Broadening Participation. September 2016.
Cooper KM, Ashley M, Brownell S. A bridge to active learning: A summer bridge program helps students to maximize their active learning experiences and the active learning experiences of others. CBE Life Sciences Education. March 2017.
Cooper KM, Haney B, Krieg A, Brownell SE. What's in a name? The importance of students perceiving an instructor knows their names in a high enrollment biology classroom. CBE Life Sciences Education. March 2017.
Cooper KM, Soneral P, Brownell SE. Design your goals before you develop your CURE. A call to use backward design in planning course-based undergraduate research experiences. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. May 2017.
Cooper KM, Ashley M, Brownell SE. Using expectancy value theory as a framework to reduce student resistance to active learning: a proof of concept. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. May 2017.
Ashley M*, Cooper KM*, Cala JM, Brownell SE. Building better bridges into STEM: A synthesis of 25 years of literature on STEM summer bridge programs. CBE Life Sciences Education. December 2017. (*these authors contributed equally).
Cooper KM, Ashley M, Brownell SE. Breaking down barriers: A bridge program helps first year biology students become comfortable and make connections with faculty. Journal of College Science Teaching. March 2018.
Cooper KM, Krieg A, Brownell SE. Who perceives they're smarter? Exploring the influence of student characteristics on student academic self-concept in physiology. Advances in Physiology Education. April 2018.
Cooper KM, Ding L, Stephens MD, Chi MTH, Brownell SE. A course-embedded comparison of instructor-generated videos of either an instructor alone or an instructor and a student. CBE Life Sciences Education. May 2018.
Cooper KM, Downing V, Brownell SE. The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in college science classrooms. June 2018.
Wright CW, Huang AL, Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Exploring differences in decisions about exams among instructors of the same introductory biology course. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. July 2018. (*these authors contributed equally).
Cooper KM, Hendrix T, Stephens M, Cala JM, Mahrer K,Agloro A, Badini G, Barnes ME, Eledge B, Jones R, Krieg A, Lemon E, Mossimo N, Martin A, Ruberto T, Simonson K, Webb E, Weaver J, Brownell SE. To be or not to be funny? Student perceptions of instructor humor in college science courses. PLOS One. August 2018.
Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Developing CUREs in discipline-based education research: Lessons learned and recommendations. Journal for Microbiology and Biology Education. August 2018.
Cala J, Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Using a Sequential Interpretation of Data in Envelopes (SIDE) approach to identify a mystery TRP channel. CourseSource. September 2018.
Cooper KM*, Gin LE*, Brownell SE. Diagnosing differences in what undergraduates in a fully online and an in-person biology degree program know and do regarding medical school admission. Advances in Physiology Education. May 2019. (*these authors contributed equally).
Cooper KM*, Gin L*, Akeeh B, Clark CE, Hunter JS, Roderick TB, Elliott DB, Gutierrez LA, Mello RM, Pfeiffer LD, Scott RA, Arellano D, Ramirez D, Valdez EM, Vargas C, Velarde K, Zheng Y, Brownell SE. Factors that predict biological sciences student persistence in undergraduate research experiences. PLOS ONE. August 2019. (*these authors contributed equally).
Cooper KM, Brownell SE. Student anxiety and fear of negative evaluation in active learning science classrooms. Chapter in book: Active learning in college science, the case for evidence-based practice. Springer Nature. In press.
Cooper KM, Brownell SE, Gormally C. Coming Out to the Class: Identifying Factors that Influence College Biology Instructor Decisions About Whether to Reveal Their LGBTQIA Identity in Class. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. In press.
katelyn.cooper [at] asu.edu