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BER Lab heads to virtual SABER 2020


The BER Lab is excited to present our work at SABER 2020! Even though SABER is virtual this year and we won't be able to enjoy seeing catching up with people in person, we are excited to present our work and get feedback from the community! We will be presenting 3 talks and 14 posters on lab projects.

We will have lots of undergrads present posters! Anna is presenting a poster entitled "Where do instructors come from? An analysis of influential institutions on current and future faculty," Julie is presenting a poster entitled "Perceptions of Evolution among Muslim Undergraduate Biology Students in the United States," Sam is presenting a poster entitled "Exploring the Leaky Christian Pipeline in Academic Biology," Sara E. is presenting a poster entitled "Beyond common misconceptions: naive ideas about human evolution and diet among nutrition students," and Kaela is presenting a poster entitled "Comparing item features of exams from introductory biology instructors."

PhD student Erika is presenting a poster "Call on me! Undergraduates’ perceptions of voluntarily asking questions in front of large-enrollment science classes" and PhD student Taya is presenting a poster "Uncovering Validity Issues with the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution." PhD student Logan is presenting a talk "Accessible active learning: To what extent is active learning inclusive for science undergraduates with disabilities?" and a poster "Factors that predict life sciences student persistence in undergraduate research experiences across institution types."

Postdoc Supriya is presenting a poster "The effect of optional exam retakes on student performance in introductory biology", Dan is presenting a poster "Evidence-Based Resources for Evolutionary Medicine Education", and Liz is presenting a talk "Christianity as a Concealable Stigmatized Identity (CSI) in graduate biology programs" and a poster "Testing Religious Cultural Competence in Evolution Education Nationwide."

Lab manager Rachel is presenting a poster "It's in the syllabus... or is it? How syllabi can serve as tools for creating inclusive classrooms," collaborator Virginia Downing is presenting a poster "Fear of negative evaluation and student anxiety in community college active learning science courses," collaborator Christian Wright is presenting a poster "Exploring the role that bias in individual exam questions may play in generating performance gaps on exam scores in introductory biology courses," and collaborator Katey Cooper is presenting a talk entitled "Exploring student depression in undergraduate research experiences."


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