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New lab publication: Atheistic Perceptions of Evolution among College Biology Students


We are happy to announce a new publication in CBE Life Sciences Education entitled "“Accepting Evolution Means You Can’t Believe in God”: Atheistic Perceptions of Evolution among College Biology Students." We found that over 50% of undergraduate biology students think that the most accurate definition of evolution is one without any sort of God involved - meaning that they incorrectly think that evolution is atheist. This is concerning because it indicates that students do not realize that one can both accept evolution and be religious. The bounded nature of science is important for understanding that there is potential compatibility between religion and evolution. Click here to read the paper! Thanks to a great team that worked on this project, including BER Lab postdoc Liz Barnes, former undergraduates Taija Hendrix and Hayley Dunlop, and collaborators Gale Sinatra and Yi Zheng.


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