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BER Lab heads to SABER 2019


We are happy to announce that we will be presenting 3 talks and 5 posters at the 2019 annual meeting for the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research (SABER).

Katey will be presenting a talk entitled "The impact of student research anxiety on undergraduate biology students' intentions to pursue a scientific research career," Dan will be presenting a talk entitled "Testing the effect of human examples when teaching evolution," and Logan will be presenting a talk entitled "Diagnosing differences in what undergraduates in a fully online and in an in-person biology degree program know and do regarding medical school admissions."

Hayley will be presenting a poster "Different evolution acceptance instruments lead to different research findings," Logan will be presenting a poster "Leaving research: Factors that impact a students leaving an academic year research experience," Katey will be presenting a poster "Fear of negative evaluation: A novel construct underlying student anxiety in active learning college science courses," Dan will be presenting a poster entitled "Developing conceptual frameworks in evolutionary medicine," and Liz will be presenting a poster "Testing Religious Cultural Competence in Evolution Education Nationwide."


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