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Vision and Change Unpacking a Movement report released


A new AAAS report "Vision and Change: Unpacking a Movement and Sharing Lessons Learned" has been released that lays the foundation for future research exploring questions of impact and penetration within undergraduate biology education. This report is based on a national meeting and Sara was one of the invited participants at the meeting.

Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education is the result of a movement within the biology education community based on years of research and the compilation of best practices. The Call to Action in 2011 summarized the consensus of the biology education community to focus on depth vs. breadth, to provide opportunities for students to be practicing science and not just reading about it, and to emphasize methods of instruction that are inclusive of all students. Those who are familiar with Vision and Change feel that it has been impactful, or at least has served as a useful means of legitimizing suggested changes in curriculum and teaching. However, it is unclear just how deeply Vision and Change has penetrated the undergraduate biology community, whether and how it’s made an impact on education reform, and if it’s possible (or necessary) to isolate and assess the impact of the Vision and Change initiative from the greater reform movement that produced it.

Vision and Change: Unpacking a Movement and Sharing Lessons Learned summarizes a meeting of stakeholders that was held in July 2017 with the express purpose of laying the foundation for future research exploring questions of penetration and impact. It is our hope that with these suggestions, researchers may go forth and explore some of the hypotheses laid out by a diverse community of stakeholders.

Click here to see the report!


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