Our publication, "Who perceives they are smarter? Exploring the influence of student characteristics on student academic self-concept in physiology," has generated a lot of media attention. Here are some of the stories (often with too strong titles!):
ABC news: College men think they're smarter than they are; women are a little more realistic, study finds
Inside Higher Ed: Men Likelier Than Women to Say They're Smarter Than Peers
Times Higher Education: Smartest in class: male students ‘overestimate’ intelligence
The Australian: Mr. Average thinks he's smarter, better looking, more successful
The Telegraph: Women still crippled by self-doubt even when they are as smart as men, study suggests
Fortune: Broadsheet May 6th
The journal.ie: Men perceive themselves as smarter, even compared to women whose grades as just as good
41 NBC News: Men think they're smarter in science class
The Doctor will see you now: Self-Perception and the Gender Gap
mycentraloregon.com: College men think they're smarter than they are; women are a little more realistic, study finds
Evening Standard: Men in science think they are more intelligent than female counterparts, study reveals
Big think (blog): Study: Men significantly more likely to overestimate their own intelligence
Spuknik International: Boys’ Town: Men Think Men Are Smarter at Science Than Women Says New Study
Genome Web: Opinion of Own Ability
Times of India (blog): He’s got swag: When men are confident and women aren’t
Sputnik Italia: La mancanza di donne nella scienza è colpa della loro autostima
Vyšetrenie.sk: Omyl, ktorý môže sebavedomie zraziť až na dno: Touto chybou od seba odvraciate úspech!
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Männer halten sich für schlauer als gleich schlaue Frauen
Indicator.ru: В нехватке женщин в науке виновата их самооценка
Tekniikan Maailma: Ovatko miesopiskelijat naisia fiksumpia? Ainakin omasta mielestään he ovat, kertoo tutkimus
BeritagarID: Alasan laki-laki sering merasa lebih pintar
Аптека online: Мужчины более уверены в своем интеллекте, чем женщины
Ad-Diyar: الرجال لا يعترفون بذكاء النساء رغم إثباته!
Le Journal de Montréal: Les hommes en science auraient une meilleure opinion de leur intelligence que les femmes
As well as Phys.org, Science Daily, and a number of blogs.