The BER lab heads to UC Irvine for the second annual SABER West meeting! We presented three talks and five posters at the meeting.
Dan presented a talk entitled "Cultural Evolution of Pedagogy: a Conceptual Model," Katey and Taija presented a talk entitled "To be funny or not to be funny: Student perceptions of instructor use of humor in college science classrooms," and Jasmine and Sara presented a talk entitled "Using Cultural Competence to Improve the Experiences of Religious Students in Biology Classes."
Logan presented a poster "Have Disability Resources Centers Evolved to Accommodate Active Learning?", Hayley presented a poster "Atheistic Definitions of Acceptance of Evolution Exacerbate Rejection of Evolution among Religious Students," Katey presented a poster "Learning anxiously: Alleviating and exacerbating student anxiety in active learning classrooms," Taija and Katey presented a poster "Same curriculum, different mice, different outcomes: A reductionist approach to probing the impact of working on broadly relevant novel research, and Sara presented a poster "Identifying the unwritten rules of undergraduate research."