The BER lab carpooled over to UC Irvine for SABER West - the first ever regional meeting for the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research. We had a strong presence from the lab - we ended up presenting two workshops, four talks, and nine posters!
Katey and Sara presented a workshop entitled "Building inclusive and fair classrooms: Spotting sources of bias in biology classrooms" and Sara presented a workshop called "How to assess your course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE)."
Liz presented a talk on "Reducing college biology students' perceived conflict between evolution and religion," Katey presented a talk on "Coming out in class: The influence of covert identities on student experiences in active learning classrooms," Dan presented a talk on "Old Boys Club Starts Early: A network analysis of peer perception in undergraduate biology classroom," and Sara presented a talk called "BioCore Guide: A tool to interpret the core concepts of Vision and Change for general biology majors."
Here are the following poster presenters and their posters:
Dan presented a poster "Identifying Core Principles in Evolutionary Medicine Through a Delphi Study"
Anna presented a poster "What’s in a name? The importance of students perceiving an instructor
knows their names in a high enrollment biology classroom"
Michael presented a poster "Capital gains: A bridge program's impact on student social and cultural capital"
Taija presented a poster "Stereotype Threat Among Religious Students in Biology"
Liz presented a poster "Managing Religion and Evolution in and out of the Classroom: Experiences of Evolution Instructors at Christian Universities"
Jasmine presented a poster "How identity, biology content, and instructional practices impact religious students’ sense of belonging in the biology classroom"
Katey presented a poster "Who’s smarter? Students’ perceptions of their intelligence compared to their classmates’ intelligence in an active learning physiology course"
Hayley presented a poster:" The survey matters: instructors using different surveys to measure acceptance of evolution may be reaching different conclusions about their students"
Virginia presented a poster: "Learning anxiously: The opportunities and challenges of science active learning classrooms for college students with anxiety"
For more information about SABER West, please click here.